Home cyprustimes.com (Κύπρος) Quadcode Is Sponsoring The Areti Gran Prix Cyprus, One Of The Most...

Quadcode Is Sponsoring The Areti Gran Prix Cyprus, One Of The Most Exciting Cycling Events On The Island.

Quadcode Is Sponsoring The Areti Gran Prix Cyprus, One Of The Most Exciting Cycling Events On The Island.

Taking place on November 9th and 10th, 2024, this two-day event offers riders a chance to challenge themselves while enjoying the stunning scenery of Limassol, Agios Theodoros, Zygi, and Pentakomo.

This sponsorship reflects Quadcode’s dedication to promoting well-being and building a strong sense of community. The Areti Gran Prix Cyprus by INEX CLUB welcomes cyclists of all levels—from beginners to experienced riders. It’s a chance for everyone to push their limits, enjoy the scenery, and feel proud at the finish line.

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