Home cyprustimes.com (Κύπρος) Bizonal Bicommunal Federation The Only Acceptable Cyprus Solution, Says Demetriou

Bizonal Bicommunal Federation The Only Acceptable Cyprus Solution, Says Demetriou

Bizonal Bicommunal Federation The Only Acceptable Cyprus Solution, Says Demetriou

Despite the difficult political period we are going through and given that our country is at the centre of difficult and worrying developments in a particularly troubled region

The resolution of the Cyprus problem, on the basis of a bizonal bicommunal federation with political equality, is the only acceptable solution, said on Sunday the President of the House of Representatives, Annita Demetriou, reiterating her support for the efforts of the President of the Republic in this direction.

In her speech at the annual national memorial service of the hero of the EOKA ‘55-‘59 liberation struggle,

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