Home cnn-kosmos (Κόσμος) Pritzker Prize 2025: China’s Liu Jiakun awarded ‘Nobel of architecture’

Pritzker Prize 2025: China’s Liu Jiakun awarded ‘Nobel of architecture’

Pritzker Prize 2025: China’s Liu Jiakun awarded ‘Nobel of architecture’


Throughout its 46-year history, architecture’s most prestigious prize has often been won by icon-builders: the apparent lone geniuses who imprint their visions, signature-like, on the world. It is emblematic of the industry’s shifting priorities that this year’s Pritzker Prize, often dubbed the “Nobel of architecture,” has gone to a man who actively avoids having a recognizable style.

Liu Jiakun, unveiled as 2025’s laureate on Tuesday, has spent much of his four-decade career designing understated academic buildings, museums and public spaces in his home city of Chengdu (and nearby Chongqing), in China’s southwest. His hyper-local and self-admittedly “low-tech”…

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